Services We Offer
1. Effective Negotiation Skills
Expand the pie.
Break through deadlocks.
Tame the nightmare negotiator.
Effective Negotiation Skills Training Formats:
- 2-Day
- 1-Day
- Half-Day
- 1 Hour, 2 Hours
Group Sizes:
- 10 to 1,000+
Learn how to:
- Handle Difficult Negotiators
- Convert an enemy into a joint problem-solver
- Discover what people really want
Break Impasses - Set a constructive tone
- ‘Expand the pie’ to create new value for all ‘sides’ of the negotiation
- Prepare effectively for any negotiation and manage it strategically
- Avoid dangerous traps in your thinking and actions.
After the Effective Negotiation Skills workshop, participants will receive an electronic version of key tools used in the session, plus a reference card summarizing key concepts. In addition, if desired, participants can sign up to receive tips every 2 weeks for 8 months to reinforce core principles and enhance the Return on Investment for your organization.
2. Virtual Facilitation and Presentation Skills
Virtual Leadership
Are you equipped to lead your team in today’s virtual work environment? Want to feel more comfortable and confident Participate in this interactive virtual workshop to learn a myriad of proven leadership strategies from an expert with 35 years’ experience as a virtual leader. Experience some new strategies and tools demonstrated then practice them in breakout groups. Are you ready to transform your leadership approach? Walk away with tangible tools to increase your virtual team’s productivity and enrich relationships. As a bonus, stay in contact with the expert to ensure maximum results. The target audience is leaders with a solid-line reporting with their team members, whether you are a first level leader or c-suite executive, a new leader or experienced. Project managers and others with indirect reporting structures are best suited to the Virtual Meetings or Virtual Trainer workshops.
“One of the best management courses I have attended. Excellent facilitator, good pace, relaxing and safe environment for commentary. I am very interested in the other sessions Janelle mentioned.” Michael Ilson
Virtual Meetings
Are you frustrated with others multitasking in your virtual meetings? Learn how to eliminate people from being tempted to tune out in your meetings. According to recent research, most people consider 50% of their time invested in meetings is “a waste of time.” This workshop will change how you perceive meetings and give you the practical skills that can be applied in all types of meetings: cross-functional team meetings, intact team meetings, 1:1’s, presentations, demonstrations, stakeholder engagement, informal and family get-togethers. Get ready to earn the reputation for leading the best meetings, in terms of output, efficiency, and collaboration. The target audience is anyone and everyone!
“I never imagined how much more interesting meetings could be. The new ideas will be shared with my team for more productive meetings.” Christine Roque
3. Resilience
4 Ways to Strengthen Resilience
We have all been feeling stretched lately and resilience is needed to manage
our current challenging situation. This one hour fun interactive webinar gives
individuals an opportunity to learn strategies to strengthen their resilience,
bounce back from adversity and feel good more often.
We’ll cover:
- Understanding the sources of individual resilience
- Defining Resilience
- Fluctuating moods
- Research on gratitude
- Identifying what helps or hurts
- Control & influence as it relates to being resilient
- Mental wellbeing
“The workshop was very helpful for our team and
the delivery was excellent…highly recommend it”– Maria Alberti, CEO,Institute for Advancements in Mental

We all negotiate every day: Getting a raise or a promotion. Persuading your client, boss, colleague, or family member to follow your advice. Deciding on a family vacation or on which school your child should attend. Every time we try to influence or persuade someone, we are negotiating. Your success in life – some might even say your satisfaction – will be greatly affected by your ability to advance your interests through negotiation.
Our skilled and experienced negotiation skills facilitator(s) will use interactive exercises, role-plays, case studies, discussions and videos where appropriate to give you the skills, tools, and a powerful framework to become a more confident and successful negotiator.
Our skilled and experienced negotiation skills facilitator(s) will use interactive exercises, role-plays, case studies, discussions and videos where appropriate to give you the skills, tools, and a powerful framework to become a more confident and successful negotiator.
Virtual Training and Facilitation
How do you help your virtual learners “get” your learning? What can you do to increase engagement and participation? How do you create a virtual environment where all can contribute? Transform any face2face training to the virtual learning environment, regardless of the technology application provided by your employer. Ensure that your learners are clear on what you intend them to know, feel, and do with your learning. Build you skill and confidence facilitating adult education, whether it’s technical training or soft skills training, seriously dry content or light and fun. Learn simple methods to avoid “death by PowerPoint” and maximize participation. The target audience is trainers, facilitators, leaders, performance coaches, project managers, Subject Matter Experts, guest speakers, and presenters.
“The session was very helpful, informative and practical. It has creative and useful suggestions for how to facilitate virtual training, especially during the pandemic and work-from-home set up. Thanks for facilitating a great session, Janelle!”
Daniel Kwong
Effective Negotiation Skills
Our skilled and experienced negotiation skills facilitator(s) will use interactive exercises, role-plays, case studies, discussions and videos where appropriate to give you the skills, tools, and a powerful framework to become a more confident and successful negotiator.
Strengthening Resilience
Everyone needs resilience. Over 50 years of scientific research has powerfully demonstrated that resilience is the key to success at work and in life. In today’s environment of constant change, leaders and contributors need opportunities to strengthen their resilience, their ability to persevere and adapt to change. We offer proven approaches and practical tools to build team and individual resilience, improving ones emotional and psychological strength.